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Dear Church,


With the daily unfolding of events with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic, and taking into account the latest directives and recommendations from specific Government agencies, our Governance team in conjunction with our Ministry pastors have decided to change the way we conduct our church services and gatherings.


We have a responsibility to you, our church family and friends, to continue to be a safe church, and we have a collective responsibility to do our part in minimising the spread of COVID-19 in our community. 


So, our Sunday gatherings and weekly youth events are moving online as of this Sunday 22 March '20.

This means there will be no meetings at the church facility for now. We are so blessed to have a talented group of people who are already putting their hand up to assist with this move (thanks for your servant hearts guys).  


Our plan is to email you a link that will continue to support you, and friends and family to worship together at home and hear an uplifting message from God’s Word. This email will arrive by Sunday morning at the latest. 


Our team is also looking at how different age groups can stay connected and support each other during this time, so stay tuned.


We believe God is faithful. He is in control. We can trust in Him always. He is the great God of SUPPLY. We will continue to seek His direction in this season and be the church of love and care in a world that needs Jesus.


Let’s be a church praying for the Lord to do extraordinary things during this time that bring glory and honour to Him alone. The church offices will remain open to continue to care for our community. If you have any questions or need any help please let us know.


You can still contact us by…


As always, we’re praying for you all and sending our love.


The Governance Team

Mat & Chris, Gavin & Karen, Ben & Mandy



P.S. Our friends at LIVEfree Project have put together some Wellness Resources that may be useful for you, your family or your friends during this time. You can find it at

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